“The developer of Active Aircraft Maintenance System (AAMS), has been always instrumental and available to answer any questions we have had with regards to the awesome services provided. AAMS has succeeded at surpassed all of Waynes Aircraft Maintenance Services (WAMS) expectations.
The company has successfully converted all our traditional paper documentation into digital media, a tremendous cost saving, as well as branding my company signature trademark across the entire operations. In my mind we wanted the process to function in a particular manner so that it would effectively integrate with our current company process/ operations, and AAMS fulfilled these expectations and more.
Today, because of the newly integrated maintenance management system into our company all employees are working extremely easier, 1000% more efficient, not to forget enjoying the easy access to all media needed to perform his or her daily job function.
I truly appreciate AAMS for helping WAMS take the company into the modern age and for positively convincing our management it would be worth the investment and cost savings in the long run. Today I will have to say AAMS was 100% correct about the cost savings we have gain using the system and the improved time efficiency gain over the pass two using the system.” Simple put AAMS is awesome.
Thank you to the team at Active Aircraft Maintenance System. (AAMS).
Waynes Aircraft Maintenance Services